Talking Drum
Midnight Rambler

Our expertise

Breeding and selection

Best combination of characteristics

Floricultura believes that breeding orchids and anthuriums is a constant market-oriented search for perfection and distinguishing characteristics. Our cultivation advisers and account managers are also closely involved in our breeding and selection process.

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Tissue culture

Genetically identical

The multiplication of orchids is a specialised intricate, sensitive process in which the young plants go through different phases. Before the process starts, the Dutch independent inspection organization Naktuinbouw checks whether the mother plants are free of viruses. We then multiply the approved mother-plant material in our state-of-the-art tissue-culture laboratories in the Netherlands and India. 

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Uniform plants

As a grower you want strong, uniform propagating plant material for your crops. In our greenhouses our cultivation experts create the ideal conditions for each variety and cultivation phase. The plants are also monitored by our control and management system.

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